Are you searching me for 20 days?
Yes... every place...
Day, Night, Evening
And l found you
Can l ask you a dinner tonight
and then a drive...
Sorry Raj...
l don't go with you
Why you are not coming with me...
l am going Athens tonight
Athens! Why?
Running in Olympic
Don't joke
My family is waiting me their
We will call them and make some excuse
No excuse is going to work
l really have to go
Oh, what so important that it can't
happen without you?
l am getting enggaged Raj
l thought that you liked me
Thats the reason l am here
Then why did'nt you say so...
earlier about marriage and all
How could l tell you,
this was decieded last week
Last week?
- Yes
Papa called,
he asked me about the engagement
And l said yes
And the person whom you don't know
you agreed to marry that guy?
l am sure he won't have a driver's license too