break your heart?
It's her,
She's the place I'm headin',
And I hardly know her,
I hardly know her!
And I just can't seem to get back to her,
To have traveled so far,
from east to west,
a thousand terrible miles.
I have to close my eyes,
My feet treadin' all God's surface -
his ocean, his swamps,
his slopes and ridges -
to find myself, at last,
a mark in the aching snow,
from whence I beheld
through a blue haze
a world of mountains
piled upon mountains,
- It's a man!
- what is?
Raidin' our corncrib!
Got him in the trap! That's him yelpin'!
- Help!
- Here,
Help! Damn,
listen up!
You got... Aim!
You got a barrel trained on your rear end!
- Get me outta this dang thing!
- You got a weapon?
No, ma'am, I'm...
My fists are about to drop off,
- Stobrod Thewes!
- Ruby?