from whence I beheld
through a blue haze
a world of mountains
piled upon mountains,
- It's a man!
- what is?
Raidin' our corncrib!
Got him in the trap! That's him yelpin'!
- Help!
- Here,
Help! Damn,
listen up!
You got... Aim!
You got a barrel trained on your rear end!
- Get me outta this dang thing!
- You got a weapon?
No, ma'am, I'm...
My fists are about to drop off,
- Stobrod Thewes!
- Ruby?
That's my daddy,
Just so's you know,
I can eat while she's doin' this,
Just so's you know,
you ain't eatin' inside,
Number one, they hang people round here
for takin' in deserters,
Number two,
even if they was givin' out prizes,
you'd still eat outside,
- You're scarred,
- I'm what?
Your heart, Scarred,
I did wrong to ya,
You'd be scarred, You'd be real scarred if
I hadn't wrapped them trap teeth in sackin',
- which was my idea,
- which was her idea,
- I hurt you,
- Good God,
I made up 50 tunes with you in mind,
Ruby this, Ruby that,
Ruby with the eyes that sparkle,
Hey! let's agree,
You beat me,
you abandoned me, you ignored me,
then you beat me some more,
And all of that is better'n
Ruby with the eyes that sparkle,
I'm changed, People change,