Cuore altrove, Il

-Professor Balocchi?
My daughter Angela spoke to me about you.
To what must I attribute
your readiness to help?

She seemed to be interested
in pursuing some classical studies
that were interrupted.
She was always so ignorant!
She never read. She could
only flirt with the professors.
I'm her father, I adore her.
-Her condition causes me great pain.
-She seemed eager to learn.
You have the face, the ways and the voice...
-of a good person.
-Thank you.
You're the opposite of the type she falls for.
Do you know why she's in there?
To learn to live with her disability.
Because the sisters
are teaching her to read, to write
and to move around.
To use cutlery, poor a drink,
get into the bathtub, cross a road.
She must be independent.
-Do you follow me? -Of course.
But after only a week there
she feels nostalgic for her studies.
Does that seem believable?
-I don't know.
-What you feel for my daughter...
-is just human sympathy?
-Yes, very much so.
-Nothing else?
-Are you joking?
Her specialty is making
men fall in love with her.

-so she can enjoy leaving them.
-You think I'll fall for it?
Yes, that's why I've warned you.
-As you wish.
-May I trust you.
Of course.
