-I don't know if it's right.
-No one does.
We're talking about one of the
most mysterious Latin poets.
I found this.
"Tu mihi supremae
praescripta ad candida calcis."
It's the sixth book, right?
Calliope, thou expert muse,
show me the path to the immaculate
goal of the final destination.
The notes refer to goal" as the
conclusion of the work.
I think that Lucrezio meant it
as the conclusion of his life.
He's announcing his suicide.
-What's your name?
Well done. It's one of the clues
we're looking for.
Anyone else?
In the 4th book of "De Rerum Natura".
-Professor Balocchi?
My daughter Angela spoke to me about you.
To what must I attribute
your readiness to help?
She seemed to be interested
in pursuing some classical studies
that were interrupted.
She was always so ignorant!
She never read. She could
only flirt with the professors.
I'm her father, I adore her.
-Her condition causes me great pain.
-She seemed eager to learn.
You have the face, the ways and the voice...
-of a good person.
-Thank you.
You're the opposite of the type she falls for.
Do you know why she's in there?