Come on. Let go of Mom!
Thank you. Oh, man.
- No lactose, no peanuts, no shellfish.
- Nothing high in fructose.
- Or sucrose or dextrose.
- Or maltodextrose.
- Nothing with red dye number six.
- Or number four.
Or yellow dye number two.
Will you say "maltodextrose" for me again?
So cute.
- Or yellow dye number two.
- Two, right.
His name's Crispin.
My man, Crispin!
How's it going, big guy?
What time's pickup?
At 5:00.
I have laser treatment. Make it 6:00.
Sorry about the outfit. He won't take it off.
How long has he been wearing that?
Couple of weeks.
Who will you call if there are any problems?
911, Mommy.
That's such a good girl.
Come on. I'll let you hold my keys.
How about a Life Saver?
You like Life Savers?
How about money? A dollar?
A dollar.
You are a smart man. That is yours.
All right.
Welcome to Daddy Day Care.
We're your team facilitators.
My name is Charlie and this is Phil.
Anybody ever seen
a mission statement before?
Here. Everybody take one.
Take a mission statement.
Here we go. One for everybody. Slow down.
All right. Okay.
Who wants to be first one
to read the first sentence...
on the mission statement?
Okay, how about you?
I don't read yet.
I'm looking for someone who can read.
By a show of hands,
how many of you can already read?
Raise your hand
if you don't know how to read.
Here's what we'll do.
I'll read the mission statement aloud...