This is what l'm talking about.
Aren't you happy you listened to me?
This is gonna be great for business.
Thank you.
Matt Murdock. Ben Urich,
New York Post.
Ben Urich, nice to meet you.
You write articles
about urban legends, right?
Well, yes, among other things.
Settle something for us. You know
the alligators in the sewers? My partner--
l followed that piece
you wrote about the Kingpin.
One man running all the crime in New
York City sounds a little far-fetched.
Yeah, but, then again, so does a vigilante
who thinks every day is Halloween.
They gotta be huge by now, right,
the alligators?
lt's a myth.
Look, l'd like you to give me a call--
Cool color.
l wouldn't know.
Yeah, but do give me a call. There's
something l'd like to talk to you about.
Nice to meet you. Enjoy the party.
Look at that.
Wilson Fisk is in the hizzey.
We may never get a chance
like this again. Come on, let's go.
-We should talk about this.
-Mr. Fisk. Hi.
lt's Franklin Nelson
from Nelson & Murdock--
Hey, yeah, you wanna talk to Mr. Fisk,
you make an appointment.
-Wesley. l know who you are.
You're the blind lawyers
from Hell's Kitchen.
Right. Actually, he's the blind one.
l'm deaf.
Give them a card, Wesley.
l'm always on the lookout
for new blood.
l'm sorry, Mr. Fisk.
My partner is a little overzealous.
We can't represent you.
And why is that?
Yes, why is that, Mr. Murdock?
Because we only handle
clients who are innocent.
"lnnocent," he said. He's pretty funny.
l've learned one thing
in my years in this business.
What's that?