Nice to meet you. Enjoy the party.
Look at that.
Wilson Fisk is in the hizzey.
We may never get a chance
like this again. Come on, let's go.
-We should talk about this.
-Mr. Fisk. Hi.
lt's Franklin Nelson
from Nelson & Murdock--
Hey, yeah, you wanna talk to Mr. Fisk,
you make an appointment.
-Wesley. l know who you are.
You're the blind lawyers
from Hell's Kitchen.
Right. Actually, he's the blind one.
l'm deaf.
Give them a card, Wesley.
l'm always on the lookout
for new blood.
l'm sorry, Mr. Fisk.
My partner is a little overzealous.
We can't represent you.
And why is that?
Yes, why is that, Mr. Murdock?
Because we only handle
clients who are innocent.
"lnnocent," he said. He's pretty funny.
l've learned one thing
in my years in this business.
What's that?
Nobody's innocent.
-Have a great time at the party.
-Thank you.
l just-- You know, Matt,
for one night, l just wish. . . .
l just. . . .
Matt, l just wish l could
give you my eyes for one night.
-lt's like that?
-lt's like that.
You want me to take you
up there, Matt? Matt?