l'm gonna give you the 99-cent answer
to all your questions,
but I suggest you take very good notes
'cause l'm only going through this once.
Do you remember
the Moonlight Slasher murders?
Yes, of course.
The Moonlight Slasher
is a werewolf.
- A werewolf.
- Yes, a werewolf... half man, half wolf.
- Try to keep up, McGowan.
- [Laughing] I don't understand.
Stop trying to understand.
- But werewolves?
- Yes, I know. Werewolves.
They exist.
They are very real.
- Get over it.
- [Laughs]
l'm just gonna tell you exactly what
Hartigan told me two years ago...
when I first came
onto this detail.
There's werewolves, and there's
hybrid werewolves.
Now, werewolves are normal...
normal werewolves.
You're shittin' me. You must have gotten
cracked in the head back there.
You saw what that thing did back there.
You saw what happened to Hartigan.
Tell you somethin'?
All right.
Nine hundred years ago,
a human Saxon knight
made it with a werewolf. Boom.
We got hybrid werewolves. And the biker
guy back there... the one that got away,
the one that killed Detective Hartigan
and the other officer,
ripped through solid steel
and made you shit your pants...
he's a hybrid werewolf.
That hybrid werewolf is out there
right now searching out...
the next matriarch
He needs to mate with her,
breed out the next generation
of pure-blood werewolves.
That's the end
of the history lesson.
This is where we come in.
First of all, I don't give a shit how
or why these hybrids exist, but they do.
Fact is, they're enough of a problem
that there's a quiet little office...
in the back of the Detectives' Bureau
dedicated to dealing with them.
That, before tonight, was Detective
Hartigan and me. Now it's just me.
Slow down.
Just slow the fuck down.
- You expect me to believe all this crap?
- I don't care what you believe.
All right?
A partner's dead tonight.
A very good cop was killed,
a good friend of mine.