Hi, Mr. Decker.
Oh, he's so hot!
Excuse me, pIease.
Hey, WiIIy, sIow down.
Hey, chiII out, Mr. D.
- What up, Nick?
- LoveIy.
- Whoa.
- Why don't you sIow down?
Why don't you watch
where you're going, huh?
Okay, okay. WiIIy, Iisten, keep it
under sub-Iight in the haIIs,okay?
- Yeah, Mr. D.
- Let's go.
- Fuck you.
- Now, Iook, AIicia,
that makeup test
can't write itseIf.
Yeah, and how am I supposed
to find the time, Mr. Decker?
I do have more important shit
to worry about right now, okay?
What do you think
of this, pussycat?
Very nice.
What do you think?
Ah, Nice.
A high schooI.
Who wouId ever suspect
a high schooI?
It's perfect.
Just take the pictures.
You got it?
2,000 a week, pIus medicaI
and profit participation.
Start first thing Monday.
That's great.
I have enough troubIe with students
having sex Iike rabbits.
I don't need teachers
making it worse.