What do you think
of this, pussycat?
Very nice.
What do you think?
Ah, Nice.
A high schooI.
Who wouId ever suspect
a high schooI?
It's perfect.
Just take the pictures.
You got it?
2,000 a week, pIus medicaI
and profit participation.
Start first thing Monday.
That's great.
I have enough troubIe with students
having sex Iike rabbits.
I don't need teachers
making it worse.
Well, as a matter of fact,
you've got a point there, Lyle.
I don't see any other choice
so I'm just going to have to quit.
That's my Ietter of resignation,
effective today.
Excuse me,
I'm Iate for history cIass.
He's joking, right?
No. No, he's not.
So ultimately, the aerial bombing
campaign by the United States,
faiIed to defeat the north.
Who knows why?
- Man: Who the fuck cares?
- Hey. CharIee?
- Ah...
- Why was that cruciaI?
- Sorry, Mr. Decker, I don't know.
- Neither do I, sir.
- Why the heII are we taIking about--
- AII right, guys, quiet. Mick?
What's the point? Who gives a shit
about history anyway?
- There it is. See?
- The point is this.
It doesn't matter who has more
soIdiers or more bombs.
Whoever is the most committed
to their cause, aIways wins.
- Thank you!
- Okay, guys.
- Thanks a lot.
- AII right, Mick.