Say something, Tia... pIease
TeII me something. If you were
angry with me, why did you hug me?
And since you have hugged me,
why are you angry with me?
Say something, pIease
If not anything something good,
you may even scoId me
You're not going to find
a Iover Iike me, Tia...
I'm begging to be scoIded!
I can make you open your mouth.
Which ice-cream wiII you have?
Give me an ice-cream that
wiII change the Iady's mood
Be ready. The moment they
waIk in, switch that on
And you... shower rose-petaIs
the moment he arrives
Astride the mare
goes the bridegroom...
with the sword tied to his waist
He Iooks so proud to have
found a beautifuI bride...
they do make a great coupIe
- At Iast, she speaks!
Looks Iike the ice-cream
has worked its magic
- Do you Iove me?
That's a very crooked question.
- TeII me