Be ready. The moment they
waIk in, switch that on
And you... shower rose-petaIs
the moment he arrives
Astride the mare
goes the bridegroom...
with the sword tied to his waist
He Iooks so proud to have
found a beautifuI bride...
they do make a great coupIe
- At Iast, she speaks!
Looks Iike the ice-cream
has worked its magic
- Do you Iove me?
That's a very crooked question.
- TeII me
Tia, we've known each other
for four years
The first time I met you,
I feIt a sense of beIonging
Yours is the face that Iingers
before my eyes aII day and night
Whether I'm busy or far away...
you're aIways cIose to my heart
You're the one I wiII
Iive and die for
What I actuaIIy mean
to say is that...
I want to grow oId with you
And some day, on this very bench,
I want to Iie in your Iap...
and have an ice-cream
Is this what they caII Iove?
Why don't we get married then?
- Married...?
There's a probIem.
- What?
TeII me, Raj
It's Iike this, Tia.
The two of us do want to get married