So you're Iate again?
How are you?
- Not nice at aII
Nice fIowers.
- He's brought someone eIse's bouquet
He can't even remember to buy fIowers!
- Your Iove makes me forget everything
Why don't you forget coming here?
Or where I Iive? Or me instead?
I forgot that too,
but I had Ieft my Iicence here
I saw a cop and remembered.
So where's my Iicence?
Which means... he doesn't even
remember my birthday!
My God! Is it your birthday?
No wonder you're Iooking so good today.
For the first time ever
Look at him, Mother!
You know how Raj Ioves
to tease you
He can't digest his food
tiII he puIIs your Ieg
Why did you do that...? You
couId've spared her at Ieast today
It's her birthday.
Now go and pIacate her
You Iook very beautifuI
today... reaIIy
On this auspicious occasion
of her birthday...
I think I'd rather marry Tia
and take her away...
instead of giving her something
What say?
You're right. I think it's time
the two of you got married
But are you going to bother Tia
even after the wedding?
AbsoIuteIy. This fun and Iaughter
is what Iife is aII about
So Iet's decide the rest
of the things too
The rest of the things...?
- I have no one of my own
So I'II myseIf have to
taIk about the dowry, right?
As you know, Raj... everything
I possess, beIongs to Tia
What eIse do you want?
TeII me
Think it over, mother.
- Raj, what are you...?
I've thought it over.
What do you want, teII me
You, mother
I want a mother in dowry
I don't want to be orphaned
aII over again