Dillo con parole mie

Hello, Mother.

No, everything is fine.
I couldn't find them.
Quit going ballistic,
the train was late!

I know, but...
I have a wicked idea!
I can get an Inter Rail ticket.
I'll travel Europe and have
my own experiences.

I won't ruin your vacation!
I'm almost 15!
Good job, Martina.
You act older.

I know, I'm mature for my age.
But call me Meggy.
Martina sounds old!

Meggy isn't even short
for Martina.

Like I know!
It's way unfair.

Granny said that Mother said
I could stay at your house
since you got dumped

and weren't going anywhere.
What? I dumped him!
I made all the decisions, as usual.
Can't they mind their own business?
You don't have a book, do you?
I'm not that stereotypical!
- I have a book.
- Take another one.

Give me the one I have to read
for summer homework.

That one about teen angst...
- Young Holden?
- No...

- Young Turles?
- No...

- Young Werther?
- Yes, that one.

They still make kids read those?
- 285!
- Come on!

The German version is in there too.
