I love you, Auntie!
That's sweet of you.
Too bad we never hang out,
you're a nice person.
No, I'm not.
I'm like a total liar.
I try to tell the truth,
but something else comes out.
It's because of your mother!
I missed the train on purpose.
I'm mature enough
to be on my own.
Never mind.
Once you see your friends
it won't be a lie anymore.
Sweet dreams.
I sort of like told another lie...
But I can't tell you,
'cause you'd get mad.
I won't get angry.
My friends aren't in Greece,
they're in Spain.
I caused this royal mess
to go to los.
The island of love,
it's always been my dream!
And there I will lose my virginity.
If not there, where?
Who said you have to?
It's a big deal for me!
Guys get turned off because
they can tell I'm still a virgin!
Stop staring, go back to sleep!
You sleep,
I have to learn!