I won't get angry.
My friends aren't in Greece,
they're in Spain.
I caused this royal mess
to go to los.
The island of love,
it's always been my dream!
And there I will lose my virginity.
If not there, where?
Who said you have to?
It's a big deal for me!
Guys get turned off because
they can tell I'm still a virgin!
Stop staring, go back to sleep!
You sleep,
I have to learn!
Now what?
Do you hate me now
that I told you the truth?
You grownups always want us
to lie behind your backs.
You're like Mother,
you can't handle the truth!
I'm in charge of you now,
this is too big of a responsibility.
I can handle the truth.
It's that you want to do it
with a complete stranger!
Listen to me!
It will be horrible
and you'll remember it forever.