Keep reading, geek.
Maybe you'll learn something!
- Fuck you!
- You'd like that!
Pippo makes me sick!
Virgin is written all over his face.
You look like you're going
to a porn star convention!
I wish I was!
Maybe Aeneas would be nicer to me.
Wait! You're always running.
Not existing just sucks!
I don't exist for him.
I'm invisible!
He called me "Potato Head"!
It's a term of endearment.
Know what he talked about?
What will his next topic be?
I gave up cartoons a whole year ago!
What's wrong with cartoons?
Guys grow up slower.
I don't even know his cartoons!
Who's the Hair Bear Bunch?
The three bears on
an invisible motorcycle!
It was on when I was little.
That was years ago!
I used to watch it.
How can this kid know about it?
- How old is this Aeneas?
- Don't know and don't care.
Well, I do!
It won't work if he's too old.
Catherine Zeta-Jones is 30 years younger
than Michael Douglas.
The art world doesn't count.
Aeneas is an artist.
He's a killer drawer!
10 or 15 years difference means
he's experienced.
15 years is too much!
When you were coming out
of your mother's uterus,