There were Nazis hiding at your luau!
I knew you'd do it.
What do you got for me, Catch?
Argentina isn't the only hiding place
for Nazis. They're hiding in Florida too.
Wow. How? Who's hiding them?
- We are.
- We... Americans?
Why? Nazis are bad. We're good.
Yeah, but some bad Nazis
are good scientists.
Like the guy building the rocket to land
on the moon and win us the space race.
He's a Nazi. And I saw
the top-secret file to prove it.
Here, I brought you a souvenir.
A top-secret NASA
security clearance badge.
- How did you get this?
- Blame it on the bossa nova.
- The triplets?
- Yeah.
You see, Lo shakes her maracas
and Rosa bounces her bongos...
...while Nena is all hands.
120 words a minute.
The story, it's written?
Whoa, Catch!
But is it safe to print?
NASA is gonna blow its stack.
Well, they forgave Germany,
they can forgive us.
Get someone from Legal up here.
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
My analyst says I only react
to you with such vehement loathing...
...because I admire you so much.
He says I resent you
for being a self-made man.
As opposed to the son
of a self-made man.
Here, I hope you have your garters
from last night. There's none in here.
I haven't worn garters
since Nixon conceded.
What are you, turning into a beatnik?
Oh, step into the future, Mac,
garters are a thing of the past.
I don't know, Catch.
I have enough of an insecurity
complex without worrying...
...about my socks falling down.
How can you know you won't show
a shiny shin when you cross your legs?
It's a miracle of the space age.