Two. Okay.
You know, I'll be back in four.
So why don't you give the tour twice,
and speak slowly?
- Oh, we don't take tips here.
- Oh, sure you do.
I know you don't make much.
Don't be proud.
Don't be proud. It's going away.
It's going away.
It's going away. It's okay.
That's what I thought.
- That's what I thought.
- Okay.
I like your outfit,
Mr. Polar bear.
Hmm. Okay, I'm just
going to turn and walk away.
I'm watching you.
Who told you my name?
Ms. Heller said
not to talk to you.
That's because Ms. Heller
doesn't want you to know
this whole thing is a scam.
I knew it was a fake.
- You did?
- Yeah. Those Eskimos?
I'm sure at least
one of them is a mannequin.
Harry, you're so funny.
But listen, I have to ask you
a question that might...
put you in
a delicate position.
You want to talk
about your delicates?
Are you trying to be funny,
or you actually re...
We're all special. Everyone Lloyd
and I chose for the class is special.
You and Lloyd chose
the class?
This is all starting
to make sense.
Could you come
to my house tonight?
- Excuse me?
- We need to talk.
- Come over around 7:00?
- O'clock?
A date.
She said something
about something.
That's perfect, Harry.
Then what?
Then she said "7:00"
and I said, "O'clock!"
Sorry about that, buddy. It's my
first time bringing a friend up there.
- You okay?
- Yeah!
So you gotta
help me out, Lloyd.
A real live date
with a real live girl.
Who cares?
Chicks are for fags.
I think she wants me to come over
to put me in the right position
to check out
her delicates.
- Whatever that means.
- Oh yeah, you're gonna get some.