Nemo, no! Nemo!
Nemo! Nemo! No!
Uhh. [Panting]
Nemo! Nemo!
[Dramatic music playing]
Whoa! Hold on.
[Marlin panting]
Oh, no.
No. No, it's gone.
lt's gone.
No, no,
it can't be gone.
No, no! Nemo!
Nemo! Nemo!
Nemo! Nemo!
No! [lnhales]
Nemo! Nemo!
No! No, please, no!
No, no!
Has anybody seen a boat?
Please! A white boat!
They took my son!
My son! Help me, please.
-Look out!
Ooh. Ohh.
Ohh. Oh, oh. Sorry.
l didn't see you.
-Sir? Are you OK?
-He's gone, he's gone.
There, there.
lt's all right.
-He's gone.
-lt'll be OK.
No, no. They took him away.
l have to find the boat.
A boat?
Hey, l've seen a boat.
-You have?
-lt passed by not too long ago.
-A white one?
-Hi. l'm Dory.
Where? Which way?
Oh, oh, oh.
lt went this way.
lt went this way.
Follow me.
Thank you. Thank you,
thank you so much.
No problem.
[Dramatic music playing]