Sam, no!
- The first punch
had better kill him.
That martial-arts crap is fine,
at first,
but Kenny will keep coming.
Broken nose, broken wrist,
cracked ribs.
I've never seen him give up.
More to the point,
I've never seen him lose.
There's no need forthe pat-down
anyway, is there?
- Let go.
Dinner will be ready
in a few minutes,
so I'll keep this brief.
As you know, I stole your plans
and hit the jeweller.
And obviously,
I know where you all live,
where you work,
and... how you operate.
This is a page
from your game plan.
Now, can anyone tell me what those
grey smudges are along the edge?
- Fingerprint powder.
- Very good. And whose fingerprints
do you think are on this paper?
Well, I'll give you a hint:
It's the same three sets of prints
that are all over
that lovely little plan.
So, I'll get to the point.
You're going to work for me.
One job, full plan,
full execution.
No one gets hurt.
And you get your papers back.
- Look,
- Gillette.
Leo Gillette.
Mr. Gillette...
We're not really criminals.
- No shit.
Keep those... souvenirs
of your move up to the big league.
- We don't want to play
in any league.
- Number one, you're obviously
top-shelf strategists...
Very thorough, very precise.
Numbertwo, you have
just the expertise I need