- Very good. And whose fingerprints
do you think are on this paper?
Well, I'll give you a hint:
It's the same three sets of prints
that are all over
that lovely little plan.
So, I'll get to the point.
You're going to work for me.
One job, full plan,
full execution.
No one gets hurt.
And you get your papers back.
- Look,
- Gillette.
Leo Gillette.
Mr. Gillette...
We're not really criminals.
- No shit.
Keep those... souvenirs
of your move up to the big league.
- We don't want to play
in any league.
- Number one, you're obviously
top-shelf strategists...
Very thorough, very precise.
Numbertwo, you have
just the expertise I need
to pull off
this particular job,
and, numberthree, I don't care
what you want and don't want.
Pick those up.
Don't even think
of puking in my restaurant,
- What's stopping us
from going to the police?
- Have you?
- I spoke to a detective
this morning.
- Yeah, but you lied to him,
didn't you?
I knew you would.
- We're so fucked.
- Yes.
But relax, they won't be back.