Gaz Bar Blues

- Hey, kazoo!
- It's a harmonica.

- What difference does it make,
you poor misguided kid?

Your sister's waiting.
- Hi.
- Hi.

- How much?
- Ten doIIars worth.
- Ten...

- Lunch for Dad and AIain.
- When wiII you visit us?
- I drop by. You're never home.

When do you ever visit me?
- StiII got the kiddie car?
- Hi, Mr Savard. Want a ride?
- Not on your Iife.
Damn foreign bugs
you can't even crash.

WouIdn't get in,
even with a gun to my head.

- Less poIIuting than your boat.
- You beIieve that?
Damn, you're naive!

They just say that
to screw us over.

Like when they switched
to Iiters.

You had to convert to gaIIons.

They dropped the imperiaI system
just to confuse us.

They don't give a shit
about poIIution!

You Brochu kids may be educated,
but you have no common sense.

- You'II change my oiI?
- Never in a miIIion years!

- I brought what you asked.
- Show me.
