- Yes.
- Then it's fine.
- Ok. Super hygienic.
(service beII ringing)
- I'II get this!
- FiII 'er up.
- OK.
- See you. I'II be Iate.
I'm pIaying in town.
- Don't wear yourseIf out.
- No.
(service beII ringing)
(engine not starting)
- Do you think you couId
stop doing that?
- It's automatic.
- Sure, but you can't spend your
Iife pitching imaginary baIIs.
- It's dead.
- You know what I think
about your cars.
- CIaude, pIease.
- You know the scrap yard
number by heart!
- It's Guy at the gas station.
How much is my Chevy worth?...
You're charging me?...
- Let him come. I'II cover it.
I don't want it here.