- Hi...
- Is the boss in a good mood?
- Yeah.
- And you?
- Not bad.
(250,000 hit the streets
in Prague.)
- So?
- He doesn't know
wrecking from revving-
- I'd Iike to take your picture.
- I'm not photogenic.
- Portraits. We want dupes!
- You'II get 'em, don't worry.
- I reaIIy hate picture-taking.
- It'II be worth it.
Okay, sit stiII.
- HoId on!
We want in too.
- He's taking pictures?
- Hurry up!
- OK, Mr Patry,
move to the Ieft.
- Can you see me?
- NeIson, I'm over here!
HoId stiII!
(cIicking twice)
- That jerk's Iate.
- You buy that monthIy?
I checked it out.