I feared the worst.
- Sorry.
I didn't do it to hurt you.
This Chicago band
asked me to stay 3 nights.
It was packed. I had to.
- They had no phone?
- I know I shouId've caIIed.
(service beII ringing)
The show was heId over.
He's reaIIy mad.
- Hasn't sIept in 3 days.
- Whatcha doing?
- Getting ready forwork.
- Your shift was Iast Saturday.
Too Iate.
- You're wiped out.
I'II work doubIes.
- You'II do no such thing.
You're fired.
I've had it.
Go pIay music in the Saguenay,
join Rejean in BerIin, whatever.
But count me out.
Get out.