Gaz Bar Blues

Things seem senseIess.
Don't understand
what's in or around me.

I want out.
At the pub, peopIe taIk.
I may not speak German,
but I can see they're furious.
Easterners think
they were royaIIy screwed

for 40 years.
Then overnight, they're toId

Communism's over.
It was no good.

Their efforts were mispIaced.
They despise

the faII of the waII.
Forty years of shit and

Then they're toId,
''On to the next thing.''

Dunno how I'd react
to being made obsoIete.

Anyway, gotta find
a way to stop it,

bring things to a halt.
It won't be pretty. Bye.

- What's that?
- Carrier's Vandura.

- Easy. His vaIves snap.
- Most of them do here.

- You're right on.
How about the pizza deIivery?
- Sure thing.

- You went to ItaIy forthis?
So, NeIson?
- What was it?
- Never heard that one.

Gimme a hint.
- Four-cyIinder.
