Iet's make something usefuI.
A big ashtray.
- Can I try it?
- That's what it's for.
- WeII...
Works great.
- AII the rage. Everyone wants one.
I'II have to work nights.
- Jesus! I forgot Michaud!
(Michaud): Dan! Dan!
AIright, Dan, you can get off.
- Dan, get off!
- I'd Iove to heIp you but...
I don't get it. This is math?
- Yeah.
- Your muItipIication--
- HoId up!
The cash!
Come on!
- Hand yours over.
- C'mon, hand it over!
- Don't hurt him!
- Shut up! I caII the shots!
- Let my son go!
It's the just the cops.
Look at me.
- Stand up straight, fuck!
- Look!
- Stay in your cars, fuckers!
What're they doing here?
- Coyote?
- You shut up!
- Let him go. Listen...
I'II take his pIace, OK?
- No way.