
is that you just never fucking know.
I bet the last thing
you were thinking about...

when you were tying your shoelaces
this morning...

was that there was a chance...
that by the end of the day, this day...
those same shoelaces
were going to be untied...

by somebody working
for the coroner's office.

Am I right?
I'm right, right?
Hey! Get the fuck out of here!
What, you wanna know about this?
Get out of here!

Take that shit to the dry cleaners.
Sorry. Long day. Where was I?
You know, the human body is,
like, 80% moisture, right?

How much do you weigh? 165? 170?
Now, I figure
if you could somehow extract 80% of that...

you'd have, give me a second...
thirty-four pounds...
of, like, solid...
not meat...
It'd be more like beef jerky, you know?
But with hair and bones and teeth...
shriveled-up tattoos and whatnot.
Probably be like this big.
In any event,
you're starting to follow my drift here, "papi"?

Because somebody has some money
that belongs to Louis.

Is it you, perchance?
Is it you that has some money
that belongs to Louis?

- No? Sure?
- Yeah.

I'm gonna start this thing and leave.
What do you think?
Permanent press or delicate?

Wouldn't be appropriate if I asked you
if you had change for a dollar.

I got it.
Calm down. I just need four quarters.
No. I got Louis' money.
