a merry company.
a good meal on your table.
Your friends all about.
- And dancing.
- It's better. Better, better.
I'll take your bait.
The picture, several figures.
A merry gathering,
but no family portrait.
And if I'm to spend
tedious hours sitting
I want something
I can rest my eyes on.
I think she ought to be
in the painting.
A tavern scene.
It will make a change for you.
Griet could come and serve me.
Look at her, man.
How hard is it
to paint a pretty girl?
Can I have her?
Griet, there's been talk
of you.
I've done nothing.
Van Ruijven's cook says
you're to be painted with her master.
You'll have heard about him and the maid
that was painted before?
- You shouldn't believe gossip.
- Oh, I don't.
I'll tell Pieter
you asked after him.
You've heard?
I heard.
No smoke without fire,
they say.
- Is that what you think?
- No.