Girl with a Pearl Earring

Griet, there's been talk
of you.

I've done nothing.
Van Ruijven's cook says
you're to be painted with her master.

You'll have heard about him and the maid
that was painted before?

- You shouldn't believe gossip.
- Oh, I don't.

I'll tell Pieter
you asked after him.

You've heard?
I heard.
No smoke without fire,
they say.

- Is that what you think?
- No.

You're only a maid,
what can you do?

- I must get back.
- Don't walk away. Listen to me.

Just remember who you are.
Don't get caught up
in his world.

I am only a maid,
but I would never give in
to Master Van Ruijven.

I wasn't talking
about Van Ruijven.

Van Ruijven:
Ah, you girl, Griet.

Come here.
What were you doing today?
I missed you.

We both did.
I hear you've been of great use
to your master, pretty Griet.

All that grinding and stirring, eh?
Master and maid.
It's a tune we all know.
