Girl with a Pearl Earring

You're only a maid,
what can you do?

- I must get back.
- Don't walk away. Listen to me.

Just remember who you are.
Don't get caught up
in his world.

I am only a maid,
but I would never give in
to Master Van Ruijven.

I wasn't talking
about Van Ruijven.

Van Ruijven:
Ah, you girl, Griet.

Come here.
What were you doing today?
I missed you.

We both did.
I hear you've been of great use
to your master, pretty Griet.

All that grinding and stirring, eh?
Master and maid.
It's a tune we all know.
And you can practice together now
that we've made our bargain. Eh, Jan?

You won't forget, will you?
- What should I...?
- No.

No. I already... already begun
a group painting.

You're not to sit with Master
Van Ruijven, that much is agreed.

Thank you, sir.
