Sigmund Jähn, citizen of the GDR, was the first German who ever went into space.
However, on this day our family went really up in smoke.
This is your husband's third stay in a capitalistic country.
This is your husband's third stay in a capitalistic country.
He stands in for his boss, professor Klinger.
Do you know of any contacts in the West your husband might have?. - No.
Mrs Kerner, how would you describe the state of your marriage?
Has your husband ever talked to you about escape from the Republic?
Mrs Kerner... Has he talked to you about that?
Allow me to present the Central Committee of the communist party...
Get lost! Leave me alone!
While Sigmund Jähn bravely represented the GDR in the depths of space,
my procreator let a class enemy in a capitalistic country...
screw his brains out. He never came back.
screw his brains out. He never came back.
My mother became so sad, that she stopped talking.
She just didn't talk anymore. Not to us, not to others.
Mum, please come back. It's so boring at Mrs. Schäfer's.
Mum, I love you.
The Sandman excellently adapted to the conditions in space.
But the biggest surprise was that he became very well acquainted...
...with Mascha.
We even had a cosmic marriage on board.
We even had a cosmic marriage on board.
In a few minutes, the sandman and Mascha will come back to Earth.