- You'll be in good hands.
- Pleased to meet you, sir.
If you're in trouble, yell "Security!"
and my people will handle the situation.
This is your decoy, Mays Junior.
He enters events before you.
If anything'll happen to you,
it'll happen to him first.
Tupac could have used a guy like you.
This is Nicollette White, she's
your executive director of Internal Liaisons.
Call me Nikki.
It will be a pleasure to serve you.
I'm available to you around the clock,
just let me know.
- What does she do?
- She sleeps with you.
We got tired of getting caught up
in sex scandals...
so we commissioned
our own team of super whores.
You call yourself whores!
Move that fat ass! One, two, three!
- These girls are good.
- Good morning, Mays.
I took the liberty of choosing some options
for this evening's fundraiser.
You don't mind, do you?
I'll wear whatever you need me to wear.
What fundraiser is this?
Your coming out party.
Campaigns cost money.
The people you meet tonight
have plenty of it.
Geller and I will advance the party...
and Mr. Earl will bring you at 8:00 sharp.
Here are your off-the-cuff remarks.
Learn them. See you later.
Remember, sir, just nod and move.
Nod and move.
What do you plan to do about taxes?
Do you plan to support
paternal leave incentives?
Get my demo to somebody. Anybody.
Don't take unscreened packages.
Security reasons.
You have some people to talk to.
Tomorrow, work.
Tonight, smile, shake hands,
and be nice to the wives.
I'll double-check the PA system.
You'll make a brief statement at 11:00.
Let's go.
Hi, how are you doing? All right.
You all right.
- I wish you luck, sir.
- Arigatou.