Head of State

Say cheese!
Mays Gilliam did not attend
this year's annual rally against cancer.

Is Mays Gilliam for cancer
or against cancer?

Mays Gilliam, he's for cancer.
Vote Brian Lewis for President.
It's your last chance.

Cancer lover!
No, he does not get away with this crap!
This is what we'll do.
You ever watch Bugs Bunny?

Bugs would always shoot Elmer Fudd
in the face and drop an anvil on his head.

But what made Elmer really mad
is when Bugs Bunny kissed him.

We got to kiss this bitch.
- How do you propose we do that?
- Watch this.

I'm a Klansman. I hate niggers, Jews,
and fags, but I love Brian Lewis.

Yo, what's up? I'm Osama Bin Laden.
I hate America, but I love Brian Lewis.
Paid for by Osama Bin Laden.
Sharon Stone is a defector.
That's what Lewis campaign insiders
are saying about the Hollywood star...

and cousin of Vice President Lewis,
after Stone's endorsement of Mays Gilliam.

I don't believe it!
I know!
Did you hear...
What are you doing here?
Gilliam is over 30 points.
That means even if he loses
he's the frontrunner in 2008.

In case you've forgotten,
I intend to run for President in 2008...

and I am not running against him.
So this is over.
Either you put a stop to it or I will.

I came on board to run a campaign
for a man we didn't expect to win...

not to sabotage him so he'd lose.
You're in this as thick as I am.
Of course he's supposed to lose!

That's why we picked him.
Are you with me or are you with him?
I thought you wanted
what was best for the party.

I'm what's best for the party!
What's the matter?
Democracy doesn't work for you
when you're not winning?
