and cousin of Vice President Lewis,
after Stone's endorsement of Mays Gilliam.
I don't believe it!
I know!
Did you hear...
What are you doing here?
Gilliam is over 30 points.
That means even if he loses
he's the frontrunner in 2008.
In case you've forgotten,
I intend to run for President in 2008...
and I am not running against him.
So this is over.
Either you put a stop to it or I will.
I came on board to run a campaign
for a man we didn't expect to win...
not to sabotage him so he'd lose.
You're in this as thick as I am.
Of course he's supposed to lose!
That's why we picked him.
Are you with me or are you with him?
I thought you wanted
what was best for the party.
I'm what's best for the party!
What's the matter?
Democracy doesn't work for you
when you're not winning?
I'm with him.
I'm with him?
- Who are these people again?
- The Urban Business Board.
- What are your plans for Social Security?
- Give it to old people.
- Your plans on global warming?
- Global ice tea.
- You the man!
- You the woman!
I want to introduce you
to Chester Norris Allen.
He owns a bottling plant in D.C.
and I spoke to him about our problem.
We've got a nice check for you.
We can't take it. You sell malt liquor to kids.
I do no such thing.
Come on, man. It's orange beer
with a nipple top. Now, who's that for?
It's Crib Malt Liquor, man!
He's unbelievable!
Damn it, we need that money!
Why do you make everything so difficult?
It's Crib Malt Liquor!