To buy my binoculars
I had to save for one year.
You see the bridge from here.
Every day it lifts
to let a ship go through.
It's really fun to be far away
and see someone from up close.
Sometimes I read magazines
at work.
But mostly I read stuff
that photocopy.
I can only read a few lines
from each sheet.
Better than nothing.
Shakespeare and Cervantes died
on the same day: 23rd of April 1616.
They never even met.
Cervantes was buried
in a common grave.
I don't know
what common grave means.
What difference does it make?
One of these days
there was a Shakespeare poem.
"When I do count the clock
that tells the time.
And see the brave day sunk
in hideous night."
When I behold the violet
past prime.
And sable curls,
all silver'd o'er with white.
When lofty trees I see
barren of leaves.
Which erst from heat
did canopy the herd.
And summer's green
all girded up in sheaves.
Borne on the bier with white
and bristly beard.
Then of thy beauty
do I question make.
That thou among
the wastes of time must go.
Since sweets and beauties
do themselves forsake.
"And die as fast
as they see others grow.
"And nothing 'gainst Time's scythe
can make defense."
- The girl's here to get her work.
- Thanks.
I didn't get it.
I didn't even read the last line.
I don't know what bristly means.
I haven't mentioned Marinez.
She'd gone out to pay a bill.
She sells magazines,
pencils, erasers, glue.
Hot. She knows she's hot.
She wears really tight pants.
I have to lie down
to put them on.
I imagined the scene,
her lying down, legs up...
trying to fit
into those tight pants.
I'd better not imagine it,
I'm way out of her league.