I went to your shop one day.
Look, I'll come by tomorrow
to buy that nightgown.
- Tomorrow is Sunday.
- Then I'll come on Monday.
- Wasn't it the robe you wanted?
- Yeah, the robe.
If I can't on Monday, I'll come
before the weekend. For the robe.
I don't know why
I came up with that crap.
I think it was the way
she asked that question...
as if she didn't believe
I'd pay $ 38 for the robe.
Now I'd have to get $ 38...
or forget that Silvia exists.
But I didn't have $ 38.
I didn't even know
how to get them.
Not before the weekend.
The first paper money was made
in China, 11 th century.
The emperor decreed that a piece
of paper was worth 1 kilo of rice.
Whoever didn't believe it
got killed.
I thought of asking the Blob.
I'd have to tell him
what the money was for.
I could tell him I had to buy
a robe for my mother's birthday.
But he might meet my mother
and congratulate her.
Goodnight, son, I'm going to bed.
TV makes me so sleepy...
Goodnight, mom.
She would think I was mad,
giving her a robe, out of the blue.
It would be better
to hide it until her birthday.
I thought of asking Marinez,
but it was too humiliating.
How then could I think
of her putting on her pants...
legs in the air, no panties,
knowing that I owed her $ 38?
And she probably
wouldn't have $ 38 either.
I thought of asking Feitosa.
He wouldn't lend me, but he might
give me some pot to sell.
I'd mix it with parsley and sell to
a sucker for twice the price.