Homem Que Copiava, O

OK, but it's better than
showing off in a shirt and tie.

I know what you want.
You fancy her, so you came
for an explanation.

Me? Marinez?
No, not me!

Why are getting
in my way, then?

I'm not. It was you
with that antique bullshit.

It's only normal:
Giving the chick some attention.

Have you never tried to chat up
a girl with this operator bull?

Yeah. I have.
So, what do you want?
I wanted to... I...
Do you want to go for a coffee?
Yes, but...
- Are you paying?
- Oh no, I have no money.

Oh, then. Why don't we leave it
for another time?

I've quit smoking.
Smoking is a drag! Coffee...

I quit yesterday.
When did I say it was?

- Today.
- Today? No, it was yesterday.

Not one since yesterday.
Smoking? No, no more.
It's tough,
coffee reminds you of smoking.

But I can't stop doing everything
I like because I quit smoking.

Like, I like to smoke after...
you know? I love it!

The girl says:
Let's make love.

"No, sorry, if I make love to you
I'll feel like smoking."

What's your problem?
Two coffees, please.

I need $ 38.
Is that why you've come to see me,
to borrow money?

I thought you had money.
$ 38? No way.
OK. Alright, I'll find a way.
What do you need the money for?
To buy a robe.
- A robe?
- Yes, a chenille robe.

Sorry, don't get me wrong,
but who's it for?

- For my mom.
- Is it her birthday?

Kind of.
$ 10.
No. It has to be the robe.
What is it?
Mothers love angels!
