Look at your children, at
the damage you're causing.
- This is not the time for this, Carol.
- When is the time?
When I'm not on my way to work.
Stop it!
Stop it!
Do you want to get arrested?
Is that what you want?
You want to arrest me? God, go ahead.
Arrest me in front of our children.
Daddy, please.
Oh, God, I didn't mean to do this.
Don't go. Please, don't go.
We checked, and we have no
Joe Gonzalez on the force.
Did he have anything else on
him that might help us to ID him?
We have hundreds of
deputies in the department.
He wore a golden star,
a badge with two pistol
barrels crossed...
and letters of
gold spelling F-T-O.
There are only eight field
training officers in the department.
Tell me if you see him here.
Yes. That is him.
That is the man who threatened me.
It's Burdon.
You're completely confident
this is the officer?
I'm sorry this happened to you, sir.
I can promise you,
it won't happen again.