How to Deal

Maybe I should start over.
You know what I think
of this whole idea.

I'm only gonna send it
to the online guys

who pass my rigid
five-point checklist.

Here, you try.
Go away.
- Lydia.

The man of your dreams
is sitting out there right now

waiting to hear from you.
Speak to him.
I don't think the perfect man
is gonna want to hear what I have to say.

Sure he does, Sweetie.
Speak to him.

Go on.
I'm sorry, Mr. Perfect...
but if you're waiting for me,
it's gonna be a hell of a long wait.

See, I've had it
with men like you.

I think it's terrific
that you have a great job,

and you're sensitive
to the needs of others,

and you jog three times a week
to keep the belly at bay.

But the second
some silicon-breasted,

butt-kissing, airhead climber
half your age comes along,

you can't keep
your pants zipped.

Well, fuck you!
That's right, Mr. Middle-age,
phony asshole.

You ain't gettin' any from me.
I think we'll just
give this a little time.

So juvenile.
I'm glad you're back early from camp,
even though it was
a dishonorable discharge.

What happened? Where were
you trying to get to in that canoe?

No comment.
No comment?
I don't speak to the press.
I'm the press?
Yeah, and anything I say can
and will be used against me, right?

I would never use
anything against you.

Dad, give it up! It's old,
and you need to get your own material.

Daddy Dog.
- Yo.

Len Martin. It's you, right?
WDYG's coolest DJ.
