In that case, Madame...
Sorry, just one last question...
Do you know what they did
yesterday morning?
They said they were going to a mass
for a colleague who died in Africa.
Only because...
I was told that when Roberto
returned to the hotel,
he had cuts on his face.
I thought, maybe he had an accident,
or maybe he was caught in crossfire
during the mass,
or maybe he fell down
the church steps.
Who knows?
I'm sorry to have disturbed you.
But if for any reason you wish to
contact me, here's my card...
That's my name, Joaquim Malarranha.
And that's my number.
And here on the back is
Roberto Alua's number.
- Ok.
- You never know...
That's this, that's that...
Where's my stupid lighter?
Ah, here it is.