-What are you gonna do with it?-I don't know.
I feel like such a freak.
This is what I do to get a dickinside me.
You're not a freak.
I admire you.
You live out of your unconscious.
You're a poet of love.
The lovelorn man who
Sick in soul and of thisBusy human heart aweary
Worships the spiritOf unconscious life
In tree or wildflowerGentle lunatic
"Gentle lunatic." That's me.
I have something for you.
It's like a belated birthday thing.
I got it when I was styling thatcommercial that got canceled.
Oh, God, that's beautiful.
-What is it?-It's a courtship fantasy.
See, there's a little wedding belland a little house.
Open the baby carriage.
Oh, God.
Oh, no, am I gonna haveto feed this thing?
You should have a baby.
This is the closest I'll get.
And a man. You should havea man too.
Somebody asked me out.