I have something for you.
It's like a belated birthday thing.
I got it when I was styling thatcommercial that got canceled.
Oh, God, that's beautiful.
-What is it?-It's a courtship fantasy.
See, there's a little wedding belland a little house.
Open the baby carriage.
Oh, God.
Oh, no, am I gonna haveto feed this thing?
You should have a baby.
This is the closest I'll get.
And a man. You should havea man too.
Somebody asked me out.
A police detective.
He's investigating a girl's murder.You know the one who got cut up?
Oh, my God. Yeah.
Part of her body was foundin my garden.
So is this detective good-looking?
He seems young.He's got a mustache.
They've all got that.
You didn't say no, Frannie?
You gotta go. Just for the exercise,you should go.
You wanna borrowsome decent clothing?
-Can we look?-I think you should.
Can you come with me?Come on.