Just Married

Hold on there,Jacques.
Je m´appelle
Henri Margeaux.

Whatever. Look,
this hotel gets guests...

from all over the world.
It´s your responsibility...
to put some American
on your signs.

- He means English.
- Sarah!

I´m trying to negotiate.
So I must make
my hotel of dreams...

Iike every other
Howard Johnsons...

with a bright orange

It wouldn´t hurt!
Cochon américain!
Cochon what?
Stupid American pig.
Oh. Oh. Yeah?
Well, that--
I guess that makes you...

a stupid French...
I said it. Frog!

You get out
of my Hotel DuReve!

I wouldn´t stay
in this dump...

if you paid us!
Let´s go to
the HoJos, honey.

There are
no HoJos here, Tom.

Sarah, please.
There is a fiarm
up the road...

and they have
a nice pigsty for you!

Yeah? Well, maybe
they´ll have...

a nice little

and we can finish
this place off...

tough guy!
credit cardbill...

will be a fat one--
- Yeah?
- Mr. Tough Guy!

Yeah, well,
we´re keepin´

the champagne
and the cheese...

Let´s go, honey.
What´s wrong?
Where are we gonna
stay, Tom?

Don´t worry. This is
like a vacation zone.

We´ll fiinda place.
Now get your shit,
let´s go.

What´s the next place?
The next hotel with
no vacancy would be...

Schloss Hootenvindergalt.
How far is it?
1 20 kilometers.
In miles, please.
7 4.4--
You multiply by point six.

Ho ho,
I´m learning so much.

Oh, me too.
Me too.

Let me guess.
