It's hard to get something
that fits my shoulders. Nice!
How'd you know red was my favorite color?
You can talk!
And I can sing.
This is great.
Jackie? Mr. Legs?
If you could find your way clear
to give me back my money...
Oh, you mean that money!
Stop that!
Stop that!
Stop that! Hey! Stop that, please!
If Sal finds out...
If I find out what, Charlie?
That you lost my money?
- Sal?
- I ask you to do something for me.
This is not that!
- It wasn't my fault, it was Louis.
- Say what? My fault?
That's how you pay me back
after I saved your life?
- Louis?
- Next time you're drowning in the ocean...
...call Free Willy!
Let Willy set you free!
You know what, Sal?
You were right about him.
- Chicken blood!
- Smell it on his father.
- Smell it on him.
- Chicken blood.
- Chicken blood!
- Chicken blood!
Drink this.
It'll bring down the swelling.
Unfortunately, it'll also make
your testicles fall off.
I'm kidding.
It won't bring down the swelling.
About bloody time.