Kangaroo Jack

You know what, Sal?
You were right about him.

- Chicken blood!
- Smell it on his father.

- Smell it on him.
- Chicken blood.

- Chicken blood!
- Chicken blood!

Drink this.
It'll bring down the swelling.
Unfortunately, it'll also make
your testicles fall off.

I'm kidding.
It won't bring down the swelling.
About bloody time.
- Where are they?
- Piss off!

Fifteen years Special Air Services,
behind the line!

I'm down and out, mate.
I forgot more than you ever learned.

You'll get nothing from me!
Devil's Marbles.
Took off on foot, about ten hours ago.
See, that wasn't so difficult.
- Very funny.
- Can't be too careful.

Yeah, I'm sorry about that.
I didn't think they were real.
Oh, no! I mean,
I thought they were real...

Relax, I know what you mean.
Louis explained.

Listen, Louis and I have a little problem...
And I already told him,
I can't help you find your roo.

I've got to get back to Alice Springs. Sorry.
That's okay.
I understand.
