The joys of love
Are but a moment strong
The pain of love endures
A whole life long
You finish, Marthe.
You look older.
I hope so.
I can't say as much for you.
- Hello, Marthe.
- Hello, François.
I've done lamprey.
I know, Dad told me.
He can't keep a secret.
It was a secret?
Everything's a secret here.
Hello, François.
Hello, Michèle.
Not too tired?
Had a good flight?
Are you pleased to be back?
I spent four days in Paris.
You took your time.
I didn't get a kiss today.
You didn't?
Is this all you have?
Only one case of goodies?
It's the one I left with, you know.
What's wrong?
Are you disappointed?
Take him up to his room.
Quickly, we eat as soon
as your mother gets in.
It's too heavy.
Let's carry it together.
Time for a scotch?
Whatever I say, you'll have one.