I'm glad you like the house.
But, there again,
what will your parents think?
You've hardly seen your father.
I know. But...
If you'll lend it to us,
we'll go right now.
I'll get the keys.
No one's been out there
for five months. It could be dusty.
We'll give it all a spring clean.
Have dinner at Pierrot's.
He's open,
he'll be glad to see you.
Old Pierrot.
He still has his moustache?
He had it in December.
Don't drive too fast.
Don't worry, I'll drive.
Good. She's such a maniac.
What are you talking about?
I bet Aunt Line's right.
She isn't.
She's talking rubbish.
Are you sure?
Anne couldn't care less
and my father won't understand.
- You're an angel.
- Far from it.
Off you go. Have fun.
- You understand me?
- Yes, I do.
Can I join you out there
on Sunday?
They won't need me
for the reception at the town hall.
Of course, it's your house.
I adore you, both of you.
- How will you get there?
- In my old 2CV.
My God! Can it get that far?
It runs very well.
Off you go now, get out of here.
See you on Sunday.
Hurry up, children.
Come down right now
or we'll leave without you!
No Pyla for you!
We're coming!